Fashion Accessories Fashion Tips

No Makeup Remover? Don’t Worry. Try These Ways

After a long day, don’t you want to pop yourself onto your bed? But then, you realize that there’s something you need to do and that’s removing your makeup. So you got to do what you have to do. Get up to remove your makeup and next thing you know, you realize that you have run out of makeup remover.

Can you skip one day without removing the makeup? Most certainly not. Going to bed with makeup on can cause more damage to your skin than you know. Wearing makeup in bed can cause skin irritation, dullness, and breakouts. When we sleep, our skin renews itself so if we leave the makeup on, we are not giving our skin a chance to breathe.

If you run out of makeup remover, don’t worry because many simple alternatives work brilliantly. Let’s check out some of these DIY makeup removers that makeup artists swear by. They consist of single-ingredient to simple formulas that work like a charm.

Olive Oil

Close-up olives oil bottle on table

Olive oil is a lifesaver and is easily available in the kitchen. Using olive oil is a wonderful and easy way to remove makeup. Just put a few drops of olive oil and apply to the face. Massage around the face gently and wipe off with wipes or washcloths. Rinse your face thoroughly. It’s non-processed oil and has a conditional effect.

Coconut Oil

Any oil is great alternative as oil can dissolve dirt and makeup on the skin. Coconut works well to remove makeup too. The best thing is that coconut is good for people with dry skin. Be sure to rinse off completely.

Oil with Baking Soda

Here’s one item that can be easily found in the kitchen which you can use to remove makeup. It is none other than baking soda. Mix a little bit of baking soda with any type of oil. This concoction can remove more residue. Remember not to use baking soda around the eyes. Make sure to cleanse and rinse them thoroughly.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a gentle and soothing product that you can use to remove makeup. This plant is suitable for sensitive skin. It also can remove light and non-waterproof makeup. Squeeze a little bit of aloe vera gel onto a cotton pad or fingertips. Massage it gently onto the face to remove the makeup. Once done, rinse thoroughly with water and your skin will feel refreshed.

Cleansing oil

Mineral oil or jojoba oil can be used to remove makeup. Just use a very small amount. Although you may have oily skin, you can still use them to remove makeup.

Can You Just Use Water To Remove Makeup?

Of course! You can always turn to plain water to remove your makeup. While it may take longer or you may not get as smooth or clean finish as oil or cleanser, the makeup will come off eventually. You have to wet a washcloth or a cotton pad with warm water and gently press it onto the eyes to loosen the eye makeup. Do rinse and repeat this on the whole face, until you’ve removed as much makeup as possible.